• Site Description

    mission,vision and values


    To be a leading provider of innovative and comprehensive ICT training, empowering individuals and organizations to achieve excellence and drive technological advancement globally.


    To deliver high-quality, accessible, and practical ICT education and training that equips learners with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in the dynamic field of information and communication technology. We aim to foster a supportive learning environment that encourages continuous growth, creativity, and adaptation to emerging technologies.


    1. Excellence: Committed to delivering the highest standard of training and education, ensuring that our learners achieve outstanding results and are well-prepared for the ICT industry.
    2. Innovation: Embracing and integrating the latest technological advancements and teaching methodologies to provide cutting-edge training that meets the demands of the rapidly evolving ICT landscape.
    3. Integrity: Upholding honesty, transparency, and ethical practices in all our interactions and operations.
    4. Inclusivity: Promoting diversity and providing equal opportunities for learners from all backgrounds, ensuring a welcoming and supportive environment.
    5. Lifelong Learning: Encouraging continuous professional and personal development, instilling a passion for lifelong learning and adaptation to new challenges.
    6. Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative learning culture that values teamwork, knowledge sharing, and partnerships with industry experts and organizations.
    7. Responsiveness: Staying attuned to the needs of our learners and the industry, adapting our programs and services to ensure relevance and effectiveness.


    • This course offers a comprehensive introduction to web development, aimed at equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to build modern, responsive websites. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, students will learn the fundamentals of front-end and back-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming.

      Main Concepts to be Covered:

      1. HTML & CSS: Structure and style web pages, responsive design, and accessibility best practices.
      2. JavaScript: Programming fundamentals, DOM manipulation, event handling, and using JavaScript frameworks and libraries.
      3. Version Control: Using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.
      4. Web Hosting and Deployment: Basics of web hosting services, deploying web applications, and managing DNS.
      5. Back-End Development: Server-side programming with Node.js, database integration with SQL/NoSQL databases, and RESTful APIs.
      6. Full-Stack Development: Integrating front-end and back-end technologies to build complete web applications.
      7. Security and Performance: Web security fundamentals, performance optimization, and best practices.

      Course Requirements:

      • Basic understanding of computer usage and familiarity with the internet.
      • Prior programming experience is beneficial but not mandatory.

      Assessment Method:

      • Assignments and Projects: Practical assignments and mini-projects will be assigned throughout the course to reinforce learning.
      • Quizzes: Regular quizzes to assess understanding of key concepts.
      • Midterm Project: A midterm project to apply the concepts learned in the first half of the course.
      • Final Project: A comprehensive final project that involves creating a fully functional web application, encompassing both front-end and back-end development.

      Details on Course Facilitators:

      Okubasi S. Shibweche
      John has over 10 years of experience in web development and has worked with several tech companies, creating a variety of web applications. He specializes in front-end technologies and is passionate about teaching and mentoring aspiring developers.

      Jane Wasilwa
      Jane is a full-stack developer with extensive knowledge in both front-end and back-end technologies. With a background in computer science and over 8 years of industry experience, she brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to the course. Jane is also an advocate for web security and performance optimization.

      Guest Lecturers
      Occasionally, guest lecturers from the industry will be invited to share their expertise and insights on specialized topics, providing students with exposure to current trends and practices in web development.

    • Please read these notes on types of knowledge and characteristics

    • Digital literacy and coding


      1. Teaching Effectiveness:

      - Demonstrates strong subject knowledge and effectively communicates concepts.

      - Uses a variety of teaching methods to engage students and promote active learning.

      - Receives positive feedback from students regarding clarity of explanations and approachability.


      2. Professionalism:

      - Consistently punctual and well-prepared for classes.

      - Maintains a professional demeanor and interacts respectfully with students and colleagues.

      - Adheres to school policies and procedures consistently.


      3. Collaboration and Teamwork:

      - Actively participates in department meetings and contributes valuable insights.

      - Works collaboratively with colleagues to develop curriculum and instructional materials.

      - Supports colleagues and shares resources to enhance teaching effectiveness across the team.


      4. Communication Skills:

      - Communicates effectively with students, colleagues, and parents/guardians.

      - Responds promptly to inquiries and addresses concerns in a professional manner.

      - Uses technology appropriately to facilitate communication and instructional delivery.


      5. Professional Development

      - Actively engages in professional development opportunities such as workshops, conferences, and courses.

      - Demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and integrates new knowledge into teaching practices.

      - Pursues opportunities for growth and development in areas relevant to their teaching responsibilities.


      6. Student Engagement and Support:

      - Demonstrates a genuine interest in student success and provides timely feedback on assessments.

      - Creates a positive classroom environment that encourages student participation and academic growth.

      - Supports students' social-emotional development and provides guidance as needed.


      7. Areas for Improvement:

      - [Specific areas where improvement or further development is recommended, with constructive suggestions.]

      8. Overall Assessment

      - [Summary of strengths and areas for growth, along with an overall assessment of the colleague's performance.]




      Employee Comments:

      - [Colleague's self-assessment and reflections on their performance, goals, and areas for development.]


      Action Plan

      Staggered process in digital training